BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

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Edit menu details

The Edit menu contains commands for working with existing documents within one of the Navigation views.

The following table briefly describes each command on the Edit menu. Refer to topics elsewhere in this guide for details.

Edit menu commands
Command Description


Copies the selected documents and their metadata to the Windows clipboard so that they can be pasted elsewhere within the vault or another document. To quickly copy documents within the same folder, see Copying a document.


Cuts the selected documents to the Windows clipboard, so that they can be pasted elsewhere within the vault or another document.

Copy Document

Copies the selected documents and their metadata within the current folder. Property pages will be shown for the new documents if enabled. For more information, seeUnderstanding the copy commands and Copying a document.

Copy with References

Copies the selected documents and the documents that they reference to the Windows clipboard so that they can be pasted elsewhere within the vault. For more information, see Understanding the copy commands and Copying a document.


Creates a copy of the selected document as a new document and creates a reference to the source document. For more information, see Understanding the copy commands and Deriving a document.


Creates a copy of the selected document as a new document, creates a reference to the source document, and retires the source document. CAD drawings that reference the source document must be updated to reference the new document. For more information, see Understanding the copy commands and Replacing a document.


Pastes the contents of the Windows clipboard into the current vault folder, creating new items.


Paste Multiple

Pastes multiple copies of the contents of the Windows clipboard into the current vault folder, creating new items. The copies will be assigned the same name as the original, if possible, without creating duplicate names. Otherwise, the text Copy of is prepended onto the names. For more information, see Understanding the copy commands and Copying a document.

Paste as Replacement

Creates a replacement (as described above) from the document currently on the Windows clipboard. For more information, see Understanding the copy commands and Replacing a document.

Paste as Derivative

Creates a derived document (as described above) from the document currently on the Windows clipboard. For more information, see Understanding the copy commands and Deriving a document.


Renames the selected documents. For more information, see Replacing a document.


Deletes the selected documents. For more information, see Deriving a document.

Select All

Selects all documents in the current view.


Executes the Find command. For more information, see Using Find.

Set Property Value

Executes the Set Property Value command. For more information, see Setting a property value.

Related information

Vault menu details

View menu details

Document menu details

Folder menu details

Work Area menu details

Tools menu details

Help menu details

Main toolbar details

Find toolbar details

Manager toolbar details

Scope toolbar details

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